Monday, December 27

To find what is Yours...

Hey all,

Its pretty late (01:30) on Sunday night. Just got back from watching one of the best films out - The Return of the King. Absolutely class.

One thing did come into my mind - are we all destined to find Love like that on the Big Screen? Will you and I meet somebody special to love for a lifetime?

Men (and the women) in that film have Honour and Respect. These things I find are lacking a great deal in Society. Where is the Honour in attaking a Police Officer? Where is the Respect in attacking those because of thier Race or Ethnic background?

What good is to be had in disallowing a Father access to his children. I have thought about these issues somewhat, and find failures in Society to blame. Fathers For Justice - a group that gets my support. ANY charity helping those in less fortunate circumstances - a blessing to those in need.

At a time where the population spends Millions (possibly Billions) on tacky and useless gifts, shouldn't we think about those outside of our normal reach? Any one seen a film called 'Pay it Forward'? Rent it from Blockbusters. Its good and significant.

One last thought before I rest.

Can anyone tell me if 'Kiss me Kate' is a Shakespearean play or not? Saw a brief snippit on BBC, interested in reading it, I do like my Shakespeare.

Good night, may God bless.


Blogger Föraren said...

Um, no, Kiss me Kate is a play from the 50's by a husband and wife celled the Spewacks. Not Shakespeare then.

3 January 2005 at 08:52  
Blogger FireArse said...

Thanks man - looked kinda like his work from the 2inutes i saw of it!

6 January 2005 at 00:31  

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