Sunday, April 24

Hey all from Leciester

Back in one of my favourite places - Minging old Leciester.....but what makes it so cool to me is the people that live here. I love them to pieces. They have literally bonded with me over these last 2 and a half years building a friendship that I dont think i can do without.

Im mainly up here because it Amar's birthday. His 21st. Went out last night and met some people - just got on with it really, making sure Amar had a great time.

Later on today, il be making the short journey up to Loughborough. Not exactly sure what its going to be like up there. I need to sort myself out a little. With things being a little awkward up there for her, the last thing i wanna do is make things worse. So im not sure when il go, how long il stay and all the details. Kinda going without any expectations really.

Yesterday I drove about 350 miles. I initially went to Filton near Bristol to see the beautiful G-BOAF. That was about a 260 mile round trip, and drove about 90 miles getting here in town, and then another few miles playing Taxi.

I love the friends Ive made. They really mean everything to me. Wouldnt change this for the world.


Wednesday, April 20


So, I havent read my last post; thought I'd pick up from where I think i left off - i dotn have the time to read what i said; i care that much about what i type on here.....

So. I guess the '6Days' thing refers to Caroline. A great looking girl, with a personality that puts a smile on my face without effort. Having met up for Drinks on Wednesday night in Casa and Lloyds, we met up again on Thursday night - where i 'kidnapped' her and took her to Haagen-Dazs in Liecester Square.

I did say she was great company. We talked about a great number of things ranging from me not using my 'tool' to family morals and issues surrounding relationships and cheating.

Friday we met up in a pub near her house, and followed that by watching a DVD (Love Actually) which I thought was nice, but quite predictable....

Soon after that we chatted and got on with building some form of Bond. I am someone who doesn;t like to keep stuf inside. She knew i was interested - however, for those that dont know her, she has a boyfriend.

Cant remember if I went off on one on these blogs about infidelity - i think i did. But we didn't 'cheat' - if you use this term in the strictest of definitions. We didnt kiss, just occasionally hug.

What I found most appealing was the ability for us to spend great amounts of time with one another and for that time to simply fly by. We did loose track of time so many times during these 6days.

There have been a number of things we each have said and that have needed us to ponder our positions and i guess we each did a little soul searching for ourselves. Did i mention i really like this girl? On Friday night, she gave me a cryptic clue to what we were going to be doing on Tuesday night (last ngiht) she had bought tickets for 'Les Miserables' a theatrical production on the West End.

What an amazing experience. I loved every minute of it. The passion in the performer's eyes - the obvious mix of drama, beauitful music and a great storyline simply had me in shock. I really didnt know what to expect - however, I had a great night hun - thank-you xxx

What else have I been up to? Nothig but Caroline I guess. I get the odd hour or two of sleep, oh yeah - I work still, i occasionally eat, but thats been iffy recently too. hmmmm - yeah - Id guess Caroline has been the one thing in this messed up head of mine, and I love it. I appreciate this girl. She has morals, and shares my thoughts on some key issues. I have a great deal more in common with Caroline than I ever did the Roya or the vast majority of the girls id dealt with.

Soon after we got back to her place last ngiht, we stayed up and talked. We got more and more things out in the open. Things over this 6day period hadn't been 'touchy-feely' there wasnt the holding hands or the kissing. I like that - the position we found ourselves in meant that we were forced keep things at that pace. I liked it - beacuase things have gone waaay too deep waay too quickly in the past - Nicky is the main chain of thought here.

We stayed up till about half 5. The freaking sun started hiding the stars - the birds began thier daily ritual of singing, and i thought my HUGE lack of sleep couldn't continue. Half an hour later i was faced with my half asleep dad asking why I had bothered to come back at all - as i said to sayf, i thought it woulda been rude to say 'I didn't have a spare shirt' lol

meh - all part of life. Its a learing curve - I think im going to learn a lot about myself if things progress with this lass - however, i find with every minute i spend with this girl, i long to waant to know how she 'ticks', how her dicision making is done - i like her enough to put so much effort into things i do with her.

She's worth it.

Want to take things step by step should they progress at all - there can be no assuming anything - i just need to wait and see.....

Thanks all,


Tuesday, April 12

Testing Times

Yes yes.

Bored at work,
counting down the days
need to book a holiday for the 28th May. Having great deal of trouble.
trying to rip friends again - not doing too well.

160GB on a network drive - sexy as fuck.
Turning more geeky by the minute./ Loving it. I'll need to do so if I wanna do Masters COurse.

Sent some time looking through the Imperial PostGraduate course Listing. £18k for an MSc in Finance. Getting me worried. I will have to pay attention hard at uni next year to get a half descent grade. Where am i gonna get that kinda money from? Sell my Virgin body on eBay.....what y'all think??!


Mac running sweetly as ever. Screen still a Beautiful thing to behold. Room a mess. Boss ill with Chest Infection. Collegues fucking me off. had day-dreams of loosing it infront of my boss. the one guy getting sacked is the one guy i like - he's the only one i get on with. very supportive. i like him - a simple man.

need food - diet going badly. need gym. At least Audrey Hepburn is back on my wall again. Still havent got my fonebook on my new phone. Wow. not enough hours in the day. Did i mention i need that holiday?



Thursday, April 7

Mon Ami

An episode of 'The Simpsons' put it great - the preparation for a night out is the best part. More often than not, the actualy night is a let-down.

I have myself all worked up. First time seeing Roya in a while, I'd really love to talk to Nicky (girl Z if i recall correctly) and there's the issue of Caroline from last week.

Busy busy busy. A collegue - no - a friend left 3Com today. I was left feeling pretty sorry for myself. I tried to hide it by joking abou tthe Laptop he leaves me - but really, I'm going to miss you a great deal. Who am I going to share the gossip with? Nobody else of the floor would appreciate it like you and I do. All the best, I hope we keep in contact.

Bit of a worry facing work without this gu - he's helped me a great deal - I can only hope to either work with him in the future or work with someone half as good. Would have loved you as a boss.

Now - room is a mess. Facing a few important decisions soon - I have about 2weeks in a bed recovering from my tonsilectomy from the start of May - Id love to make full use of it. I think I'd like to read for the first time in about 10months, possibly learn some HTTP or HTML. I also wanna use this Macintosh to its full. Games. :)

should be leaving for Snorbs soon - but not before I write a few more lines........

Forcing myself to save these days. I need to put money to one side. I still dont have my phone book on my new V3. Bit of an arse. Been buying stuff online - books, Hard Disks and CD's. What else has been happening in my life - not a lot. It is a good life. For that I am gracious to God.



Monday, April 4

Awfully Sensetive


The frequency at which I Blog isn't as high as I wish it to be. Need to work on it. Thats why im blogging now @lunch.

Last Thursday, I attended the Funeral of a friends mother. It was a Catholic Requiem Mass. First one I'd been to. I was glad to be there to pay my respects. It certainly gave me further insight into the Catholic Church and its beliefs.

As a Muslim - I dont find it hard to attend nor understand a few of thier 'ways'

I was deeply saddened when I heard about Pope John Paul II passing away. I got worse once I had read that a number of other Religious groups held him with such high respect. Watching a spell on the BBC & Sky News leaves me in tears. Can't honestly understand why. The more I hear about this fella - a human like me - the more I repsect and value his time with us.

A firm believer in peace - despite religious beliefs. One many should look up to.

Rest in Peace.