Sunday, August 20

Bienvenue a Bruxelles


I know its been rather a long time, around 15 months to be more precise, but I'm back, and back to this blogging thing.

I've just come back from a weekend in Brussels. Splendid. Very continental. Very European. I loved it. Sayf's birthday on Friday was amazing - loads of cool people slowly getting wasted. Good to see my brother in such a good mood. However, it did remind me that my 21st was over 2 years ago. It was an event that feels like as if it were yesterday.

Life is slowly sifting its way through my fingers, I feel I need to live it. Which is where Brussels came into play.

There were other reasons for originally taking the trip, however these became invalid since I booked the trip. I found myself needing new reasons to go. About 5 days before the journey, I felt I found them in needing to spend some quality time with myself.

And it felt great deciding what to do, where to go and what to eat all by myself. As selfish as it may be, I loved it. Not having to discuss anything with anyone for a plan. I decide. I do.

I did. And I loved it.

Photos will have to be uploaded in a few days time (had to use a disposable camera, as the digital Camera was left by yours truly at Sayf's place in Essex.)

The food, people, transport & accommodation were brilliant. The sights, the walking and 'Le tunnel' were a refreshing change from the 50 hours temping role I'm currently doing to pay Sayf back for the loan I took.

As this is my blog, I feel it important to outlay a few of my more longer-term objectives:

- Save money for a deposit on a Mortgage
- Save money for a deposit on a Mortgage
- Save money for a deposit on a Mortgage

that's it.

Apologies for being away for such a long time. But I'm back, and that's the most important thing.

Love you all