Sunday, November 26
Sunday, November 19
The best weekend in.....ever
Its Sunday evening, 20:40 as I start to type this.
I've just edited my CV to 'Retail it up' cos I'm thinking of applying for a job at Hugo Boss in Sloane Square over the Christmas Holidays. Work are 80% happy to give me a 3-week block on annual leave (they don't know I wanna do extra work though). I just need to clarify it with my new Placement Manager.
Back to the title of this Blog.
Emil (our Swedish/Kurdish/Iranian) chum came to London from his Swedish University to pay us a visit. A Leicester University reunion was called, and all hell broke loose on the e-mail chain, and I quote from Dan's e-mail:
"wow sounds like fun!"
That's what I said when I heard emil was coming back, and we were all going
to get together like we used to.
"Wow, Ben's a bitch!"
That's what I said when liverpool got massacred by arsenal, a bitch slapping
unprecendented in history.
"Wow, Ben's ACTUALLY a bitch!"
That's what I said when I read that email. How the mighty have fallen. She
had better get all kinds of naked, and she had better be ready for an
ABSOLUTE, COMPLETE, and UTTER HUMILIATION not seen since chamberlain said to
hitler, "alright, you can have half of europe...but u promise not to take
any more, right?". HUMILIATION not seen since emil revealed his
pathological love of brushing his teeth, HUMILIATION not seen since myles
caught me wanking to the voice of my ex, HUMILIATION not experienced since
amar wet sandra's bed."
I hope from that you get some kind of idea of the jokes that were thrown around this weekend. Sadly the humiliation promised towards Ben's "Frenchie" didn't amount to anything, she ignored Ben all week, leaving him in a sort-of messy/child-like state.
Yeah, Ben's a bitch.
Stories were thrown towards each other bringing back the ol' times. Stories including Ben shagging a girl in the disabled toilets at Brunel University, followed by being thrown out. Stories like Emil shitting in the middle of a street. Stories including Amar ripping the piss out of ASK waitresses. Stories invloving Myles getting STD's. Stories of Dan being caught having e-sex (or whatever the youngsters call it these days) Stories including me thinking Castration was chopping a guys dick off.
Good times.
Despite some of our failings - you guys have to be some of the best friends a bloke can have. Thank-you so much, RIP Hazel Avenue
I'll post pics when I get round to it.
Thursday, November 16
My arm hurts
Having played Badminton on Tuesday and Wednesday, I decided to spend 40 minutes in a squash court on my own.
That was a great idea until I paid somewhere in the region of £9 for 40mins.
Well, I played the 40minutes, a friendly bloke knocked on my court and offered me a game. I took his offer and we played. He beat me 3-0, but I got at least 5 points off him in each game. I'm making progress with both Badminton & Squash. Made the £9 better value for money.
Work is going well, went to install a new PROM for 22/101 this morning. Got absolutely pissed on. Lovely.
I'm trying to organise a second job to help pay for my life AND save £1k/4weeks. It's getting tough, but I'm really willing to keep it going until I get the pay-rise. That'll make my life a great deal easier. For now, I'm being a tight fisted Arab :)
Night all,