Sunday, July 22

Turning a new leaf

So I was browsing through a friend's Facebook a few days back, and I saw a picture of her. At first I got that awful feeling in my stomach, but it got better again. Surprisingly better. And now, we're definately moving in the right direction. Things seem to fit back into place in that weird head of mine, and the lack of focaus I had before is no longer there.

Time will tell how things progress I guess.

Hmmm, what else to report on? There is some movement on buying a flat now - I now technically have 3 jobs, all helping me get the mortgage of my dreams. Which in turns is helping me get the flat to help me contiue dreaming. I'd like never to need to seel this flat - as it could be a sort of second income, alongside my role (s) so we'll see.

MSc time. TfL have decided they wanted to sponsor me to continue my studies to get an MSc. This is to allow me to become chartered. The idea being I can then be a bigger asset to TfL.

The staff at Apple surprise me. They are from all sorts of backgrounds. And when I say all sorts, I mean it. Audiophiles, performers, PhD students and even a Russian with a craving to teach at university level. It all makes for some varied conversations in the Genius Room. You never quite know what your next conversation is going to be about - normally its homosexuality or cars or some hot chicks iPhoto album!

It makes the time fly by! Hmmmm iPhone.

As for girlies - Imperial girl isn't back from her visit to the Med. Will ask her out for a few drinks at some point. I dont have enough hours in the day, but I really like her, and I need to get some sort of an answer.

Will re-read 'The Game' cos I have turned into a worse AFC than before I met Caroline. I'm off to bed.